• Curriculum vitae
  • Publications
  • Lectures
  • Professional societies
  • Honorary positions
  • References

I am particularly interested in understanding subjective experience in psychotic crises. The aim of psychotherapy for psychotic illnesses is to initiate a process of recovery and to accompany it over a longer period of time. Getting better takes time. It is often useful to alleviate agonizing symptoms such as excessive anxiety, sleep, and thinking and perception disorders with a small dose of antipsychotic medication.

Mental experience is based on neurobiological correlates, the knowledge of which is increasing at an exponential rate today. The psychoanalytical understanding of psychotic processes was originally developed by British psychoanalysts such as Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, and Herbert Rosenfeld.

The psychoanalytic therapy approach for personality disorders, on the other hand, is based on disorder-specific methods such as those developed by Otto Kernberg as transfer-focused and Peter Fonagy as mentalization-based psychoanalytic therapy. I offer both treatment methods.

Curriculum vitae

1985 – 1993
Medical studies in Berlin, stays abroad in Houston (USA) and Mexico City (Mexico)

1994 – 1995
Scholarship from the Berlin Senate for a doctorate in medical history on the first female medical students at the University of Berlin between 1896 and 1918. Published in 1997

1995 – 1998
Psychiatric department of Neukölln Hospital
Psychiatric department of the Frankfurt/Oder Medical Center
Forensic department of the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Berlin

1998 – 2002
Psychiatric Clinic of the Free University Berlin
Start of further training as a psychoanalyst

2003 – 2005
Neurological training in two main practices for multiple sclerosis and cerebral circulatory disorders

2005 – 2007
Psychiatric Consultation & Liaison Service of the Charité
Specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy

Set up my own practice in Berlin
Completion of further training as a psychoanalyst

2013 – 2014
Consultant physician in the Medical Service of the Federation of German Pension Insurance Institutions in International Affairs and Medical Rehabilitation departments

Opening of a second practice in Palma de Mallorca


Burchardt, Anja (2017): Verrückt werden – Mechanismen psychotischer Infektion. In Norbert Matejek, Thomas Müller (eds.): Negation in der Psychose (Forum der psychoanalytischen Psychosentherapie. Eds. Stavros Mentzos, Ulrich Ertel et. al., vol. 32). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2017), pp. 129–158. In German

Burchardt, Anja (2000): „Schwestern reicht die Hand zum Bunde“? – Zum Verhältnis zwischen russischen und deutschen Medizinstudentinnen in den Anfängen des Frauenstudiums (1865–1914). in Elisabeth Dickmann, Eva Schöck-Quinteros (eds.): Barrieren und Karrieren. Die Anfänge des Frauenstudiums in Deutschland (= Schriftenreihe des Hedwig-Hintze-Instituts Bremen, vol. 5) Trafo, Berlin (2000), pp. 293–302. In German

Burchardt Anja (1997): Blaustrumpf – Modestudentin – Anarchistin? Deutsche und Russische Medizinstudentinnen in Berlin 1896–1918. In: Ergebnisse der Frauenforschung, Anke Bennholdt Thompson, Jutta Limbach et al. (eds.), Metzler, Stuttgart, Weimar (1997). In German

Burchardt, Anja (1996): Männliche Lehrende – Weibliche Studierende: Die Berliner Professoren und die ersten Medizinstudentinnen 1896–1918. In: Christoph Meinel, Monika Renneberg (eds.) Geschlechterverhältnisse in Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Verlag für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, Bassum, Stuttgart (1996), pp. 280–287. In German

Burchardt, Anja (1993): Die Durchsetzung des medizinischen Frauenstudiums in Deutschland. In Eva Brinkschulte (ed.) Weibliche Ärzte. Die Durchsetzung des Berufsbildes in Deutschland. Edition Hentrich, Berlin (1993), pp.10–21, revised ed. 1995, pp. 10–21. In German

Lectures (in German)

Psychotherapy for Psychotic Patients. Complications of Countertransference.
Berlin Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 2013

Special Features of Depression Treatment in HIV Focus Practices.
Berlin Collegium 2012

Going Crazy. Structures of Psychotic Experience in Transference and Countertransference.
Institute for Psychotherapy Berlin 2011

Depression in Primary Care.
Berlin Collegium 2011

Problems with Transference and Countertransference among Pregnant Therapists.
Institute for Psychotherapy Berlin 2002

On the Effectiveness of St. John’s Wort in the Treatment of Major Depression.
Charité Berlin 2001

The Structural Interview after Kernberg.
Free University of Berlin 2001

Eroticism in Psychotherapy.
Institute for Psychotherapy Berlin 2001

Hysterical Epidemics in the Age of Media.
Free University of Berlin 2000

Approaches to Feminist Science Criticism with Psychoanalysis as an Example. Neukölln Hospital 1997

Action T4. The Extermination of Mentally Ill People under National Socialism. Neukölln Hospital 1996

Outline of a General Psychotherapy According to Klaus Grawe. Neukölln Hospital 1996

Male Teachers – Female Students. On the Difficulties of Berlin Professors with the First Female Medical Students at Friedrich Wilhelm University (1896–1918).
Annual Conference of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology, Bonn 1995

Professional societies

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Neurologie (German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology)

The Berlin Society of Psychiatry and Neurology

Dachverband Deutschsprachiger Psychosenpsychotherapie (Umbrella Organization of German-speaking Psychosis Psychotherapy)

International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis

Honorary positions

Honorary Judge at the Berlin Social Court
Grunewald Parish Council, Berlin
Board of Directors Friends of the Kunsthaus Dahlem, Berlin


“I find it very difficult to break down the entire ‘Dr. Burchardt’ package into its many positive individual parts. I really can’t think of anything negative or in need of change. What has always fascinated me, however, is that when I sometimes talk fuzzily in order to make her understand how I am feeling at the moment, she is immediately able to put what I am saying into a single eloquent sentence. This makes me feel understood and in good hands. She is very clear and direct in her dealings. I appreciate that as well.”
M (born 1970)

“What I like best about Dr. Burchardt is her charming intrepidity. That’s very refreshing, inspiring, and motivating. She gives you impetus to try something new.”
W (born 1960)

“Unsparingly direct, inimitable humor. Both characterize ‘my special friend.’ She was a great help in the initial analysis phase. Later, in the context of a serious illness, she was approachable at any time and exhibited an openness in discourse, also with other specialist colleagues, that I would wish for from many doctors. If you are looking for comprehensive care for body and mind, AB is the right place for you.”
M (born 1977)

“I was rescued and repositioned. Dr. Burchardt was and is a stroke of luck for me. In a serious crisis she guided me sensitively, sometimes in the glib way that Berliners speak, over a high mountain, strengthened my will to live, and is still helping me rebuild my self-confidence. With her humor, astuteness, and casual nature she would fit into my circle of friends.”
M (born 1945)

“Dr. Burchardt has been working for my company as a coach for ten years. She is regularly consulted in conflicts with employees and has, without exception, calmed the waves and brought about solutions. I highly recommend her.”
M (born 1954)

“At first I didn’t know exactly how to act and I waited for her questions, until I started to tell her about my problems myself. It became easier over time; I feel understood and supported. The regular fixed appointments gave me assurance that she would wait for me and help in the case of an emergency, which was often the case. Thanks!”
W (born 1972)

“Dr. Burchardt always manages to instill a wonderful inner peace in me and she shows me how I can achieve such peace more and more often in everyday life. What can I say, her suggestions work, and it’s a lot of fun to test them out. But testing is not enough, she says, they have to be implemented. This is not easy for me, but when I persevere, I am thrilled by the results of all my efforts.”
W (born 1958)

“Dr. Burchardt is a very nice person; she is very dedicated and helpful. Together with her patients she always looks for a solution. There are few doctors who are so devoted to their patients.”
M (born 1961)

“I feel very comfortable with Dr. Burchardt. She’s always there for me. I trust her implicitly. She’s a very good listener. I’m glad to have her by my side. It’s great how she always motivates me. There are many positive things to write about her … As a woman, as a mother, and also as a religious person I am lucky to be with her.”
W (born 1972)

“The analyst before her seemed to me like an ‘iceberg,’ gray-blue eyes and no movement in her face. Ice cold. But Dr. Burchardt was sympathetic, and I could even see suffering in her face. I found that very human. I felt acknowledged. After the conversation I thought I should give it a try; and it was well worth it.”
W (born 1976)